Neurophobia: Fact of Fiction?
It was in 1994, when Dr Ralph Jozefowicz wrote in JAMA:
“A major problem in medical education today is the lack of integration of basic science and clinical information into a cohesive whole. If either of these is taught in a vacuum, the medical student frequently is unable to reason through clinical problems, and this can result in anxiety, dislike, and eventual disinterest in the subject material. ….Students perceive that the neural sciences and clinical neurology are overly complex, and many of these students develop a syndrome that I shall call "neurophobia."
This session will explore how this perceived “neurological condition” can stimulate the creation of more person-centred services. How such services can empower people, who are diagnosed with a neurological condition to share how they are transforming their lives, through lifestyle change, including one remarkable man’s trek to Everest Base Camp, living with Parkinson’s.