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Practice and Business Management


Practice and Business Management

Practice and Business Management

Practice and Business Management

In partnership with leading primary care organisations such as Practice Index, Practice Managers Association and the Professional Records Standards Body, and speakers, sessions to help support the practice team navigate running practices and support patient care.  

    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    The way care is delivered in general practice has changed. There is a new workforce and new ways of accessing care, such as remote access, remote working and roles shared across organisations. Primary ...
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    Understand why patients get better outcomes, GPs have more satisfying and quicker consultations - and let us dispel some of the myths and show why your practice could a personal list system.
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    Following the pandemic, there has been an exponential rise in online abuse targeted at practices via both social media and review sites. This session will cover how to manage your online reputation an ...
    pindex igpm
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    How to thrive not just survive and bring the joy back to your practice management role despite the challenges 
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    The session will provide an overview to the key changes in the recently updated Good Medical Practice, we will explore some of the key changes and discuss the role individuals can play in supporting t ...
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    How the new Diabetes Record Information Standard could improve care for your patients. The Professional Record Standards Body has been working with patients and clinical teams to develop an interopera ...
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    In today's challenging times, it is important to stay abreast of your practice's finances. In this session, Alec James, will provide an insight into practice finances for 2024 and provide guidance on ...
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    How we can provide equitable access for all based on what patients need through care navigation
    • Practice and Business Management Programme
    An update of all things NHS Pension as a result of the McCloud Judgement, the allowance changes and Partial Retirement.  The session will outline the benefits of each scheme and update likely timings for revised estimates being available

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